I believe whoeheartedly in that everything happens for a reason. I believe there is a lesson to be learned from every experience we have and from every person we come across on our life's journey. I try and remain alert to the best of my ability, listening and watching for these lessons. Some are more aparent than others and when they come, are realized, accepted, and swallowed, magical things happen...Spritual Growth incures, wisdom is gained, another door is opened for us to walk through and it really brings to you to a whole different level of living in terms of perspectives, how you act toward others, and how you choose to lead your life. I started to conciously take note of these (sometimes small, and sometimes earth-shattering) lessons in my early 20's. Since then life has taken on a whole new meaning. Life at home, wherever that may be, is grand. There are plenty of lessons to be learned in our home environment, though they tend to play out over longer periods of time and are not as in-your-face as lessons learned "on-the-road" tend to be. Since I developed this little thing called wanderlust, I have discovered that these life-changing lessons are inevitable when I get the chance to abort the daily grind and wander away to go explore a whole different set of surroundings.
...and that is where this story begins.....This is the story of 'Anya (Sun), Haly'a (Moon), and 'Aha (Water). These three powerful spirits set out to bring their souls together for a magical adventure in the desert.....
Sun and Water dance for Moon to come and join them...
'Anya and all her natural beauty
'Aha summoning Her spirit guides
'Anya & 'Aha have playtime before Haly'a brings on the night...
Haly'a is on her way...
Breathin' it all in
Always time to dream of future ventures...
At last, our tribe is complete!
...summoning our powers, hahaha
....to be continued
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