With a couple full days of UK marketing tours, a few outrageous nights out on the town with a handful of incredibly talented, (and apparently quite famous) London musicians, a couple days exploring the city paired with a little ecclectic London shopping under my belt, I could go home now and be able to say this trip has been an absolute success! Me siento con mas energias con cada momento! (I feel more energized with every second). Between all the new sights (buildings, countryside, colours, not to mention seeing a FULL rainbow over London Bridge with a bright pink and purple background as the sun was setting!...), sounds (accents, languages, bells...), smells (food markets, womens fragrances...), modes of tranportation(double-decker buses and the tube), different lifestyles(fasion designers, musicians...), different ways of doing business (marketing strategies, focus selling-points, variety of products and packaging...), my senses are completely over-stimulated and I am loving every second of it! My imagination is running wild with new dreams, creative inspiration, and life-aspirations. A Hollis-The-Daydreamer's paradise!
This is going to get a bit deep and possibly 'weird' for some, but I'm just in one of those reflecting moods...anyway, Monday on the train in a moment of reflection I had this overwhelming sense (or I guess you could call it a "knowing", really) of feeling so at-home and full of love, and feeling like the world really is such a small place after all (even though I'm fafar away from that place I've called home for the last 28 years). I pondered on this for a second as I have certainly had moments of feeling like this world is just too big to conquer and be able to fit in everything I want to do in it in this lifetime. What was different in this moment, why have my perceptions shifted as such? My conclusion was this: that on an obvious level the world does feel big as the Earth is actually quite large spacially, and it's true that logistically we are all spread out quite a ways when speaking of distance and physical location. But I think the truth of the matter is, and the more pertinent realization is that the world is really quite small as we can take "home" with us wherever we go, AND the magical part is that we CAN go anywhere we want to if we visualize ourselves there (aka manifestation). To do this we've of course got to do the footwork, trust in the Universe to guide you there, think of yourself in that place, at home, before you arrive, and just sit back and feel comfortable and "at home" wherever you go. Also, I think it's utterly important to work at making connections with new people and maintaining connections with those we are spatially distant from. If we can learn to exchange energy and love with everyone on this planet and make positivity the focus of our connections and relationship with others, then distance really becomes irrelevant because wherever you go you, there you are with all of your love, your dreams, your visulaizations (materializing things as you go along), and also, there someone is to make you feel at home and help guide you along, help you laugh and feel like you have a friend, and if you can make that connection, (an interchange of love), you have everything you need to make you feel excited, spiritually whole, happy, and full of life-energy. It keeps the good energies flowin' and keeps bringing more and more good stuff your way, it almost makes time and space disappear in these moments of gratitude.
I've thus far been walking this path in London...manifesting dreams, feeling overwhelmingly inspired, strengthening relaationships with old friends and new, and feeling so FULL of LOVE & LIFE I've nothing better to do with it than send it out. I've no doubt I will live in this amazing city one day and I've no doubt this adventure with continue to unfold in magical ways...Thanks for bearing with my philosophising for a moment :D (more pictures to come SOON)!